Terms and Conditions
This Terms and Condition (“TnC”) apply to Biznet Gio (PT Biznet Gio Nusantara) services stated on https://biznetgio.com websites and Biznet Gio portal, and its subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively identifies as “Biznet Gio”). BY USING BIZNET GIO SERVICES, YOU (“CUSTOMER”) AGREE TO THIS TERMS AND CONDITIONS.
Biznet Gio reserves the right, as its sole discretion, to change, modify, add, or remove this TnC, at any time. It is within the Customer's responsibility to regularly check this TnC for changes. If customer are to continue using Biznet Gio's services, customer will agree to and oblige to those changes.
The service provides by Biznet Gio to Customers concerning this TnC includes the following elements:
- To provide computing infrastructure comprising processing system (CPU & Memory), Data Storage, networks, and Licenses.
- To provide technical support to Customers if needed.
Biznet Gio may change the procedure stated in the Terms of Service at any time without further notice and does not bound by any obligation to customer.
Prohibited Content
In case Biznet Gio found the Customer's Content violates the law, infringes, or misappropriates the rights of any third party, or violates the points of this TnC, Biznet Gio will notify the customer regarding the Prohibited Content and may request for removal of the related content from the Services, or to suspend, or to disable access to the Prohibited Content. Prohibited activities or content includes:
- The use of services that may damage Biznet Gio servers or other servers on the Internet. If the customer were to suspectedly abuse the compute resources, whether affected by malwares, CPU hogging, or by any reasons disrupting Biznet Gio infrastructure and service to other Biznet Gio's customers, the indicated service will be suspended.
- The use of services with the elements considered to threaten, or assault, or convey hatred toward ethnicity, religion, race, and inter-groups (SARA) indication, or any material protected by other trade secrecy and statutes.
- The use of services that supports illegal activities. Majority of Biznet Gio's service equips with bandwidth facility providing unlimited network traffic without quota and without charges under reasonable usage limits. Suppose the customer indicates to using the bandwidth facility for illegal stuff such as botnets, seeding/leeching torrents, or other illegal activities that may interfere with the operations of other Biznet Gio Customers, in a way Biznet Gio has the right to reduce bandwidth capacity or immediately suspend the Customer's indicated services.
- The use of services breaching the copyrights owned by another party and usage without permission.
- The use of services that may cause damage to Biznet Gio's reputation. If the customer does not remove or disable the access to the Prohibited Content within 1 (one) day after the notice, Biznet Gio may terminate or disable access to the Prohibited Content or suspend the Services.
Fees and Taxes
The customer agrees to pay Biznet Gio for using the Services in the amount and conditions specified in terms of Payment (the "Fees"). All Prices/charges listed on the website and all media communications exclude any taxes, fees, or other amounts, however, designated and including consumption, value-added, and withholding taxes, which are levied or based upon such charges, or upon this TnC, or government regulations. Any taxes related to the Services provided will (other than taxes based on the net income of Biznet Gio) be paid by the customer. Applicable taxes will be billed as a separate item stated on the invoice to the extent possible.
Service Commitment
Biznet Gio is committed to providing services to customers for:
- 99.9% uptime availability per month, excluding scheduled maintenance time over the services.
The Service Commitment only covers elements of infrastructure services and does not include scheduled maintenance and other additional services e.g., implementation work (based on contract), managed supports, and managed services. GIO Private and Bare metal Services/dedicated servers (NEO Metal) are serving on different SLA levels according to the specific specifications in the Bare metal SLA documents.
Scheduled maintenance will be notified within 1 x 24 Hours prior to the maintenance period. In the circumstances requiring emergency maintenance and action, Biznet Gio reserves the right to inform it less than 1 x 24 hours. The customer agrees to comply and follow the instructions provided on the maintenance information.
Downtime and Restitution Policy
The downtime referred to in this service commitment does not apply to:
- Downtime due to scheduled and informed maintenance activities to the customer.
- NEO Web Hosting/NWH services (including Biznet Shared Web Hosting products).
- Failures to make new purchase or renewal on the Services.
- Downtime from the result of customers' or third parties' actions and Customer's misconception in using the Biznet Gio services and platforms.
- Downtime caused by customer's ignorance for not following actions suggested by Biznet Gio.
- Intermittent downtime occurs in a short time.
- Downtime on Biznet Gio sites or portals which have no impact on Customer Service.
- Force Majeure, which is beyond Biznet Gio's control. The Force Majeure may be (but is not limited to) fire, flood, earthquake, war, terrorism, criminal activity, riot, explosion, sabotage, embargo, natural disaster, strike, government policy, legal change, or investment policy in Indonesia.
- Downtime resulting from equipment, software, or other technologies owned by Customers or a third party outside of the equipment contained under the direct control of Biznet Gio.
- Other disruptions that are not caused by Biznet Gio faults.
In the case of Biznet Gio failing to fulfill the SLA commitment, the Customer has the right to get a restitution or credit balance refund for a maximum of 30% (thirty percent) of the customer's monthly usage fee. This Restitution amount could be given if the customer proposes as latest by 3 (three) months after the disruptions. In case the restitution was submitted later than 3 (three) months period after events, the restitution will no longer apply or be provided. The restitution calculates using the following formula:
(X * Y) / (Z * 99.9 %)
Description of Restitution Variables:
X = monthly fee/charge before VAT;
Y = monthly cumulative downtime (in hours);
Z = total hours of the respective month;
99.9% = Biznet Gio service level
Restitution amount can be provided or applied to deduct the upcoming invoice or onto the customer's credit balance. This action does not apply to:
- The customers were involved in barter or sponsorship activities with Biznet Gio.
- The customers whose accounts are being suspended.
IP Service-Related Policies
In accordance to the service standards, there are some limitations on the Services provided, which include the availability of public IP vLANs and other available features of Public Cloud on each GIO Public and NEO account. For example, each customer can add up to 10 IP Address quotas on GIO Public and NEO account. If the customer wants to add an IP Address beyond this quota, this action will require an official request from the customer to clearly state the purpose of using the additional IP on the customer's account. For each IP added a different charge amount will apply from the normal price.
.ID Domain Service Policy
- Biznet Gio, as the official registrar of .ID domains, is fully responsible for the management and pricing of .ID domain services. PANDI, the registry for .ID domains, is not involved in the pricing and service setting process.
- PANDI is responsible for the overall management and administration of .ID domain names.
- All registrations of .ID domain names must comply with the protection mechanism, procedures, and processes set forth in PANDI's Domain Name Policy.
- Each domain name has specific requirements that must be met in accordance with PANDI's Domain Name Policy, as follows:
- .id domains can be registered by any individual or legal entity, regardless of nationality.
- .co.id domains can only be registered by business entities, organizations, or other entities that are incorporated or operate in Indonesia. The entity must have legal documentation proving its existence, such as a Certificate of Incorporation or Business License.
- .net.id domains can only be registered by business entities, organizations, or other entities that operate in the telecommunications field.
- .ac.id domains can only be registered by Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) that have a government permit or accreditation for the provision of higher education.
- .sch.id domains can only be registered by elementary and secondary schools that are under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Culture, or other Ministries, including non-formal (outside of school) educational institutions that are recognized by the Regional Government Apparatus Unit (SKPD).
- .or.id domains are intended for social, political, youth, community, association, community, gathering, and similar organizations that are incorporated and operate in Indonesia.
- .biz.id domains are intended for individuals, organizations, or business entities at the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) level.
- .web.id domains can be registered by individuals, organizations, or other entities.
- .my.id domains can be registered by individuals, organizations, or other entities.
- All .id domain registrations must include a valid and verified email address.
NEO Web Hosting (NWH) Service Policy
Biznet Gio provides NEO Web Hosting (NWH) packages and promotions with the following terms and conditions:
Free Domain
Customers can only claim the free domain facility based on the certain hosting packages with the following conditions:
- NWH subscription with the annual payment methods.
- Free domain applies for newly registered customers or service renewal (domain renewal) and does not apply for domain transfer.
Free domain applies to every NWH customer with an annual subscription contract according to the following package:
- NWH Plus: .my.id
- NWH Expert: .com, .net, .org, .co.id, .id
- NWH Premium: .com, .net, .org, .co.id, .id
- NWH BizLite: .com, .net, .org, .co.id, .id
- NWH BizPro: .com, .net, .org, .co.id, .id
- A free 1 (one) domain applies for each annual hosting package purchased.
- The free domain claimed cannot be canceled or replaced.
- The free unclaimed domain is non-refundable.
- The free unclaimed domain is not exchangeable or accumulated to any hosting packages or other services.
Free Migration
If the customer already subscribed to previous hosting services, the migration will proceed with the following terms and conditions:
- The customer previously is using the same control panel, which is cPanel.
- The migration process will incur additional fees if the previous hosting does not use the same control panel; cPanel.
The free migration facility comes with the maximum capacity (including web, database, and email) based on the hosting packages, stated as follows:
- Personal (NWH Swift, Builder, Plus): 2 GB
- Professional (NWH Expert, Premium): 10 GB
- Enterprise (NWH BizLite, BizPro): 20 GB
- If the customer's total file size exceeded the stated capacity during the migration, an additional fee of IDR10,000/GB would incur upfront.
- Biznet Gio could assist with the record changes on one condition, whereas the customer must first provide written credential access to their DNS Management or via email to support@biznetgio.com.
- Regarding any third-party application connected to the previous hosting Service, the configuration settings are back to the customer's premise.
- The Biznet Gio support team (support@biznetgio.com) will arrange the migration schedule based on the queue and deliver within a 5 (five) working days timeline.
- Configuration changes in the customer's hosting panel (client's email, FTP, or SFTP) are the customer's responsibility.
- Upon completing the Migration, Biznet Gio must not be held responsible for any dysfunctions on the customer's application caused by the customer's script/source code/etc.
Restrictions on Sending Email
To prevent potential disruptions for the overall hosting service performance, Biznet Gio imposes a limitation on the number of emails sent per hour avoiding the inconveniences due to bad service performance towards other NWH users. The limitations for sending emails are as follows:
- NWH Swift: max 100/hour
- NWH Builder: max 200/hour
- NWH Plus: max 300/hour
- NWH Expert: max 400/hour
- NWH Premium: max 500/hour
- NWH BizLite: max 800/hour
- NWH BizPro: max 1000/hour
FTP Users
Access via FTP is available for all NEO Web Hosting packages based on the number of users limited to each package-category as to ensure secure access to and from the customer's hosting service. Limitation details are as follows:
- Personal (NWH Swift, Builder, Plus): 1 user
- Professional (NWH Expert, Premium): 5 users
- Enterprise (NWH BizLite, BizPro): 15 users
Service Termination Conditions
Biznet Gio may suspend the performance of the Services and/or terminate the Service if the customer:
- Violating the material T&C, whereas the breach is beyond repair;
- Violating the elements of T&Cs, whereas the breach is within repair (including failure to pay invoices to Biznet Gio);
- Bankrupt, ceases to conduct business as a continuing affair, is unable to pay its due debts, or becomes the object of institutional voluntary or involuntary proceedings to bankruptcy or liquidation;
- In writing, if the customer, its employees, agents, contractors, or related third parties access the Service illegally, causing any breach of security related to the Service, or if Biznet Gio reasonably suspects fraudulent or unlawful activities on that part.
- On the termination of the Service in regards to T&C, the customer agrees to ignore the provisions of Article 1266 of the Indonesian Civil Code (Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Perdata Indonesia).
- Upon expiration or termination of these T&Cs for any reason, the customer's right to use the Service and any other rights granted to the customer is effectively terminated.
- All fees dues for the Services provided to the customer must be paid upon receipt of the last invoice.
Limitation of Liability
The customer acknowledges and agrees that Biznet Gio permits other Customers (or Customer-appointed vendors) to install their software and other equipment on the public servers. For the use of dedicated compute resources, the customer may refer to special Services provided on Baremetal/Dedicated Server such as NEO Metal and GIO Enterprise Private Cloud Services. Biznet Gio will not be liable for any damages, costs, or losses incurred by the Customer (or its Customers) caused by such activities, software, or other equipment in connection with such activities.
Apart from unlawful activities, Biznet Gio will not be liable to Customers for indirect, consequential, exemplary, incidental, or punitive damages, including profit losses or business losses, even if Biznet Gio has been notified of the possibility of such damages.
In addition to the provisions stated in these T&Cs, Biznet Gio is declared liable for any damages or losses related to these T&Cs, whether arising out of violation of these T&Cs (including negligence), by law or otherwise, limited amounts received by Biznet. Gio from the customer under these T&Cs within 3 (three) months prior to the date the claim was first confirmed.
Biznet Gio by any condition does not promise that the services will be uninterrupted, error-free, or completely secure with the implying to warranties of merchantability, or satisfactory quality, fits to a particular purpose and non-infringement of any third party's intellectual property rights.
All services are provided or performed on an "as is" and "as available" basis, and the customer's use of the services is solely at its own risk.
The above disclaimer applies to any damages, liability, or injuries caused by any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus, communication line failure, theft or destruction of, or unauthorized access to, alteration of, or use, whether for breach of contract, tort, negligence or any other cause of action.
Biznet Gio reserves the right to do any of the following, at any time, without notice: (1) to modify, suspend or terminate the access to the services; (2) to interrupt the operation of the services, or any portion of the services, as necessary to perform routine or non-routine maintenance, error correction, or other changes.
Applicable Laws and Jurisdiction
These T&Cs shall be governed by and interpreted with Indonesian law. If a dispute, controversy, or claim arising out of or concerning this Agreement arises out of this Agreement (a Dispute), a Party claiming that a Dispute has arisen must immediately notify the other Party giving details of the Dispute. During the 30 (thirty) days period after such notice is given, each Party must use its best endeavors to resolve the Dispute. If the Parties are not able to resolve the Dispute within 30 days, each Party will refer the Dispute to its authorized officer (or their delegate) for resolution. If the authorized officer (or representatives) of both Parties were unable to resolve the Dispute within fourteen days of the date on which the Dispute is referred to them, each Party agrees that the Dispute shall be referred to and finally resolved by Indonesian Arbitration Center (Badan Arbitrase Nasional Indonesia /BANI).
Terms of Payment
- Payment schemes for hourly, monthly, semi-annually or annual packages are available according to the product type available on the service portal https://portal.biznetgio.com.
- Customers can pay their NEO services bill using a credit card or NEO Balance.
- NEO Balance is a balance that can be used to pay Biznet Gio NEO service bills. It can be recharged through the https://portal.biznetgio.com using various top-up methods, such as credit cards, bank transfers, e-wallets, QRIS, and other methods.
- NEO Balance can only be used to pay Biznet Gio NEO service bills and cannot be redeemed for any reason.
- Monthly, semi-annually, and annually invoices will issue 7 days before the due date and will directly charge to NEO Balance or saved credit card to avoid services suspension due to insufficient balance. Customers can avoid and anticipate suspension before the due date via unpaid invoices indicating the failed charges onto the NEO Balance or saved credit card.
- If Customers NEO Balance is insufficient or has a declined credit card, the system will attempt to charge the invoice periodically until the due date. The related service will automatically suspend if the charge attempt is unsuccessful until the due date.
- If Customers want to switch services from the deducted NEO Balance due to invoice charges before reaching the due date, customers can contact support@biznetgio.com for further assistance.
NEO Service Upgrade / Downgrade
Service Upgrade
- The upgrade applies to the NEO Virtual Compute and NEO Flex Storage services.
NEO Virtual Compute upgrade scheme:
- From hourly flavor to hourly flavor with higher specifications: New hourly charge takes effect immediately.
- From hourly flavor to monthly flavor with higher specifications: Charge per month bills immediately. The monthly service will be renewed on the same date as the upgrade date for each of the month.
- From monthly flavor to hourly flavor with higher specifications: New hourly charge takes effect immediately. The prepaid for ongoing monthly charge is not refundable after changes.
- From monthly flavor to monthly flavor with higher specifications: Prorated charges are billed immediately. The service renewal date remains unchanged, and the new monthly charge will take effect on the next renewal date.
NEO Flex Storage upgrade scheme: a prorated charge applies immediately. The billing cycle remains the same as the new charge on the upcoming invoice. The prorated charge in the service upgrade uses the following formula:
- Prorated charge = (the remaining days of the current billing cycle) / (total days of the current billing cycle) × (new charge - old charge).
- GIO as enterprise products, an upgrade will require an email request to support@biznetgio.com related to a specific contract or Purchase Order to the Biznet Gio sales/account representative.
- The downgrade applies only to the NEO Virtual Compute.
NEO Virtual Compute downgrade scheme:
- From hourly to hourly with a lower specification: the new hourly charge applies immediately.
- From hourly to monthly with a lower specification: the new monthly charge applies immediately. The monthly billing cycle will apply to the monthly date of the downgrade.
- From monthly to hourly with a lower specification: the new hourly charge applies immediately as the ongoing monthly charge is not refundable after the changes.
- From monthly to monthly with a lower specification: the new monthly charge applies immediately. The new charge shall take place on the upcoming invoice to the same monthly downgrade date.
GIO and Other Enterprise Services
Invoices for the previous month's usage will be sent at the beginning of each month and must be settled by the Customer not later than the 20th (twentieth) of each month.
GIO and Other Enterprise Services Upgrade / Downgrade
To upgrade or downgrade GIO Services, customers need to submit an email request to support@biznetgio.com related to a specific contract or Purchase Order to the Biznet Gio sales representative.
Service Suspension
Biznet Gio will suspend the customer's service if the customer fails to settle the payment obligation to Biznet Gio, due to:
- The customer subscribes to NEO (including domain, DNS, router, IP, licenses, shared hosting, VPS, or managed services) on https://portal.biznetgio.com for self-services having a credit card failure (charging or billing) or does not have enough credit balance to continue the services.
- Customer subscribes to GIO Cloud services failed to complete the payment later than the invoice due date (20th date on every month).
Service suspension conditions and impact:
- Customer shall not be entitled to receive any restitution or refund balance under the service commitment section.
- The suspension of NEO and other self-service products will have a 7 (seven) days grace period before entering service termination.
- Especially for License services, including enterprise licensing services, it only provides with 3 (three) days grace period. After this due date, the license will be terminated entirely. Biznet Gio is not responsible for any damage, loss of identity, copyright, and trademark, or data/records that are automatically and permanently deleted after entering the termination of the license service.
- Especially for Domain services, the rules for the renewal period, waiting period, and transfer will follow the provisions of the Domain rules set by ICANN. Biznet Gio is not responsible for any damage, loss of identity, copyright, or trademark caused by the Customer's failure to pay within the specified period.
- Especially for GIO Enterprise, GIO Backup, and other Enterprise products if the Customer enters the suspension period, the Customer can restore the Service by making a payment using one of the applicable payment methods no later than 15 (fifteen) days from the date of suspension of the Service. Customers can immediately contact billing@biznetgio.com and carbon copy (cc) support@biznetgio.com for further assistance.
Termination of Service
If the Customer fails to complete the payment during the suspension period, their account will be terminated automatically. This means that Customer Virtual Machines and other cloud resources (computing resources and instances) will be dismantled from the system and accounts, and all of their data will be deleted PERMANENTLY. The deleted resources cannot be recovered in any way.
In the case where the Customer does not want to continue their service with Biznet Gio, their current service is not refundable.
Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy applies to the access and use of the PT Biznet Gio Nusantara Website currently located at www.biznetgio.com and the use by registered users of the Biznet Gio Platform of Biznet Gio products and services (as the "Cloud Services") provided by the Biznet Gio entity listed in Services of the Terms and Condition (referred to as "we," "our" or "Biznet Gio" hereinafter) and applies to when using our site, our services, or any other functionality, product, or service offered by Biznet Gio. Services not defined in this Privacy Policy shall have the same meaning as in the Terms and Conditions of Biznet Gio Platform.
This Privacy Policy sets out how we collect, use, transfer, retain, secure, and disclose your PII (Personally Identifiable Information) and/or PII about your customers or end users that you provide to us according to your use of the Biznet Gio Platform and/or our Cloud Services, as well as other terms relating to data location. It also describes your choices regarding the use, access, and correction of your PII.
Privacy Policy Scope
This Privacy Policy explains our practices for gathering and disseminating information we collect when you visit our site and associated web pages. This Privacy Policy covers the treatment of any information or set of information that is used by or on behalf of Biznet Gio to identify an individual, which may, in specific contexts, include information such as an identifiable individual's first and last name; home address, billing address, or other physical address; email address (so we may contact you); a telephone number; date of birth; or Internet Protocol ("IP") address (collectively "Personal Information") we gather through the services. This Privacy Policy also covers our treatment of any Personal Information that our business partners share with us or that we share with our business partners. You can navigate most of the website without giving us personal information about yourself. However, we may track the technical information (see "Information Collected Using Cookies" below) provided to us by your browsing the site to improve the navigation, content, and design of our Site.
Our customers (i.e., registered users of Biznet Gio) may use Cloud Services to develop or host their services and products for the customer's end users. Any information collected or handled by Biznet Gio in such circumstances is processed on behalf of our customer, who controls the collection and use of such information. We do not have a direct relationship with the end users of our customers. Where this is the case, end users should direct all privacy inquiries, such as requests to access, correct, amend, or delete PII, to the Biznet Gio customer providing their services or products. We are not responsible for the privacy or security practices of our customers.
This Privacy Policy does not apply to the privacy practices of third parties that we do not own or control, but are not limited to, any third-party websites, services, applications, or online resources to which this site may link frame, or otherwise reference (collectively "Third Party Services") that you may access through the Services. We take no responsibility for the content or privacy practices of those Third-Party Services, and we encourage you to carefully review the privacy policies of any Third-Party Services you access.
Collection of PII (Personally Identifiable Information)
Covers the Second Part of Menkominfo (Indonesian Ministry of Communications and Informatics) Regulation (Article 7-11).
Registration Details
If you are (i) an individual or (ii) a representative of a business organization at the time you register to become a user of Biznet Gio and/or purchase Cloud Services, you may be asked to complete registration forms that require you to provide information such as your name, email address, mobile number, country, contact address, and NPWP (tax ID).
Transaction Details
We record details of your activities (including any purchase or use of our product offerings and services) when you use Biznet Gio and/or certain Cloud Services for legal and/or business purposes. If you make purchases or otherwise transact online through the Biznet Gio, we also collect information related to such transactions, including, but not limited to, the types and specifications of the Cloud Services, pricing information, and any trade dispute/complaint records.
Customer Service
When you contact our customer support, sales, or other departments, we may record the communications for security and customer services purposes and collect additional information to verify your identity. In addition to any information you convey in emails, we may also receive confirmation when you open an email from us. We collect and use this information to improve our customer service.
Financial Information
We use third-party payment processing companies ("Payment Processors") who collect and store financial information, such as your payment method (valid credit card number, type, expiration date, or other financial information), and their use and storage of that information are governed by the Payment Processors' applicable T&C and Privacy Policy. Collected billing information is used to process billing payments and fraud detection.
Mandatory Details
Please note that specific categories of data are necessary for us to provide the Cloud Services, such as name, email address, and phone number. These categories will be specified at the time-of-service registration. If you do not provide any or sufficient data marked as mandatory, we may not be able to complete the registration process or provide you with our Cloud Services.
Information Collected Using Cookies
We use cookie information to analyze trends, administer the website, track user movements and gather demographic information for aggregate use. We also may use cookies to enable our servers to recognize your web browser and tell us how and when you visit the Site and otherwise use the Services through the internet. Biznet Gio also uses Google Analytics, an analytics service provided by Google, Inc. ("Google"). Google Analytics uses cookies to collect non-identifying information, which may be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Google provides some additional privacy options described at www.google.com/policies/privacy/partners/ regarding Google Analytics cookies.
IP Address Information and Other Information Collected Automatically
We may automatically receive and record information from your web browser, including your IP address, when you interact with the services. An IP address is a number assigned to you by your Internet service provider to access the internet. We receive IP addresses in the ordinary course of the operation of our site. We may automatically collect and record information about your use of features of our Services, the functionality of our Services, and other information related to your interactions with the Services. We use the information we automatically collect and record to analyze trends, administer, monitor, and improve the Site and Services, track users' use of the Site and Services, and gather broad demographic information for aggregate use. We do not use IP addresses to identify you personally or disclose them to others. This information is used to fight spam/malware and facilitate the collection of data concerning your interaction with the Services (e.g., what links you have clicked on).
Generally, the Services may automatically collect usage information, such as the number and frequency of visitors to the Site. We may use this data in aggregate form, that is, as a statistical measure, but not in a manner that would identify you personally. This type of aggregate data enables us, and third parties authorized by us to figure out how often individuals use parts of the Services so that we can analyze and improve them.
Purposes for Collection, Retention, Use, Disclosure, and Transfer of PII
Covers 3rd, 4th, and 5th parts of Menkominfo Regulation.
We collect, retain, use, and disclose PII for the following purposes:
- Processing your registration as a user, providing you with a user ID for Biznet Gio Platform, and maintaining and managing your registration;
- Providing you with customer service and responding to your queries, feedback, claims, or disputes;
- Providing Cloud Services to you and/or your end users;
- Processing your purchases and/or subscriptions
- Personalizing our communication with you based on your order history and performing research or statistical analysis to improve our product offerings and services;
- To comply with applicable law, legal process, or lawful government request, or in respect of any claims or potential claims brought against us or our parent companies, shareholders, subsidiaries, and affiliates;
- Performing risk control, legal compliance, and sanctions screening; and
- Performing screening and checks for unlawful, fraudulent, deceptive, or malicious activities.
- We store the information you provide about yourself to provide you with the information or Services you request. Such information, except for any Personal Information, is typically stored for the lifetime of the database unless you request that it be removed.
Subject to obtaining your specific consent (or where otherwise permitted by applicable law in your jurisdiction), we may use your name, phone number, residential address, email address, and fax number (which may incorporate PII) to provide notices, surveys, product alerts, related communications, and other marketing and promotional materials to you relating to goods and services offered by us on Biznet Gio Platform.
Who Do We Share Your PII With?
- We may share your PII with affiliated companies in the Biznet Group and/or their designated Service Providers for the purposes specified in Section 2 above. Therefore, you cannot use these Services anonymously.
- Except as described in this Privacy Policy, Biznet Gio will not share, sell, or rent individual Personal Information with anyone without your permission or unless ordered by a court of law.
- Information submitted to us is only available and utilized by our employees and systems responsible for providing services to our customers and contracted service providers to provide Services to our communications with you.
- To any competent law enforcement body, regulatory, health, government agency, court, or other third parties where we believe disclosure is necessary (i) as a matter of applicable law or regulation, (ii) to exercise, establish, or defend our legal rights, or (iii) to protect your vital interests or those of any other person;
Transfer of PII
As part of providing you with the Cloud Services, we may need to transfer your PII from your jurisdiction to an overseas jurisdiction. Recipients of the data in these jurisdictions may be subject to data privacy laws less protective or not equivalent to those in your jurisdiction. Such overseas transfer or processing of your PII may be necessary to process and administer your customer account and to provide the Cloud Services (including providing customer services to you, contacting you regarding promotions, products, and services, performing risk control, fraud prevention, and legal compliance procedures, and conducting payment processing services).
Security Measures
We use commercially reasonable endeavors to protect the PII you provide. We also employ several security techniques, including but not limited to the use of industry-standard Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption for transmission of PII in the registration information and payment information and the adoption of identity, credential, and access management measures for transmission of such PII to prevent security breaches and unauthorized access of PII. We limit access to your PII and other data to people who need access to such data for their work.
Nevertheless, no data transmission over the internet or any wireless network can be guaranteed to be perfectly secure. As a result, while we try to protect your PII, we cannot guarantee the security of any PII you transmit to us, and you do so at your own risk. We cannot and do not guarantee security with your use of the Biznet Gio and our Cloud Services.
We retain your PII if you have an account with us, as needed to provide services or products to you, resolve disputes, serve the purpose of research and statistical analysis, or as required or permitted by applicable laws, such as tax and accounting laws.
Responsibilities to PII Principals
Covers Article 26-28 of Menkominfo Regulation.
You have the right to request access to your PII held by us (or on our behalf) and to request correction or deletion of such PII. Additionally, upon request, we will provide you with information about whether we hold your PII. You may contact us at support@biznetgio.com to request access, correction, or deletion of your PII, and we will respond to your request within a reasonable timeframe. You may also have additional rights under applicable law concerning your PII. For example, you have the right to object to or request the restriction of processing of your PII and to request the portability of your data.
In cases where we act as a processor, we have no direct relationship with the individuals whose PII we process. An individual who seeks access or who seeks to correct, amend, or delete inaccurate data should direct their query to their PII controller.
You may receive e-newsletters from us. If you would like to discontinue receiving this information, you may update your email preferences by using the "Unsubscribe" link found in emails we send to you or at your member profile.
We do not knowingly collect the PII of minors (persons under the age of 18). If a minor has provided us with PII, the parent or guardian may contact us on the minor's behalf to request that we cease any further collection, use, and/or disclosure of the PII and delete the PII we may hold relating to the relevant minor.
If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy or if you wish to exercise any of these or other rights you may have under applicable law in relation to your PII, you may send your request in writing to the following contact and address:
Email: support@biznetgio.com
Addres: MidPlaza 1, 7th Floor. Jl. Jend. Sudirman 10-11. Jakarta 10220 – Republic of Indonesia. P +62-21-5714567 F +62-21-5700580
Privacy Policy Updates
Biznet Gio reserves the right to change its policy at any time. If we make a significant change in the way we use your personal information, we will notify you by posting a notice on our website. You agree that the posted announcement is adequate to notify you of the changes. You agree to any policies and amendments to these terms and conditions if you use our products and services.
This policy subjects to any existing laws of the Republic of Indonesia in relation to the protection of information and, if required, by any lawful authority for any legal purposes, such as the enforcement of any laws.
To prevent the breach of any laws, we shall release all such information as is legally required by the requisite and legal authority following the directions of the legal court of the competent jurisdiction.
Contact Biznet Gio
If you would like to request access to your PII held by us, or you would like to contact us for any reason regarding our privacy policy or practices, please contact our Data Protection Officer by sending email to support@biznetgio.com.
Please note that we may charge a reasonable fee for processing any data access request.
Usage Policy
User Responsibilities
Customers are required to abide by the User Policy in using the Biznet Gio Service and Platform as follows:
- The customers may only store, retrieve, request, serve, and execute data they own, have a license for, or have legitimately obtained ("Customer Content"). As part of the service, the customer is allowed to use a particular software that third-party licensors or Biznet Gio provide. The customer is not the one who buys or receives this program, and without express permission, the customer may not move it outside the service.
- The customer with this also agrees to use the service under the technical documents applicable to the service at this time and determined by Biznet Gio from time to time.
- All costs and technical resources required to use the service are solely the customer's responsibility.
- The customer is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their content in the data storage area and is liable for any losses incurred due to unauthorized use of the customer's content. If the customer has reason to believe that the data storage location is no longer secure, the customer agrees to notify Biznet Gio immediately.
- The customer may not use, export, or re-export any content, copy or adapt such content or any service offered, in violation of applicable laws or regulations, or without limitation including Indonesian laws and regulations.
- The customer will provide information or other materials related to Customer Content as reasonably requested by Biznet Gio to verify the customer complies with this T&C. Therefore, Biznet Gio may monitor the external interfaces (e.g., ports) of Customer Content. Customers will not block or interfere with Biznet Gio's monitoring, but the customer may use encryption technology or firewalls to help keep Customer's Content confidential. The customer will reasonably cooperate with Biznet Gio to identify the source of any problem with the Services that Biznet Gio reasonably believes may be attributable to Customer Content or any end user materials controlled by the customer.
- The customer ensures that all information that the customer provides to Biznet Gio is accurate, complete, and not misleading.
- The customer must store and perform personal backups by themselves of all software, websites, databases, including all Customer's content running and hosted on the Services and platform of Biznet Gio. Biznet Gio is not responsible for data loss or data corruption. Customers have the choice to use a backup platform such as GIO Backup, an object backup scheme with NEO Object Storage (NOS), or managed service for scheduling and day-to-day backup operations as an additional Service.
- The customer may be allowed to use specific software (including related documentation) developed and owned
by Principals or their licensors. Suppose the customer uses the Principals Software (Microsoft, RedHat, or others).
In that case, the customer agrees to these additional terms and conditions according to Service Provider License
Agreement (SPLA) or Cloud Service Provider (CSP) model:
- The customer will use any Principals' Software solely in conjunction with the Services;
- The customer may not transfer or use the Principals' Software outside the Services;
- Customer may not remove, modify or obscure any copyright, trademark, or other proprietary rights notices that are contained in or on the Principals' Software;
- Customer may not perform reverse engineering, decompile or disassemble the Principals' Software, except to the extent expressly permitted by applicable law.
- Certain software principals disclaim, to the extent permitted by applicable law, all warranties by each principal and any liability by each principal or its suppliers for any damages, whether direct, indirect, or consequential, arising from the Services.
- Software Principals are not responsible for providing any support with the Services. Do not contact the principal directly for support;
- Specifically for the Microsoft software, Customers are not granted any right to use the Microsoft Software in any application controlling aircraft or other modes of human mass transportation, nuclear or chemical facilities, life support systems, implantable medical equipment, motor vehicles, weaponry systems, or any similar scenario (collectively, "High-Risk Use "). Microsoft and its suppliers disclaim any express or implied warranty of fitness for High-Risk Use. High-Risk Use does not include the utilization of the Microsoft Software for administrative purposes, to store configuration data, engineering and/or configuration tools, or other non-control applications, the failure of which would not result in death, personal injury, or severe physical or environmental damage. These non-controlling applications may communicate with the applications that perform the control but must not be directly or indirectly responsible for the control function.
No Illegal, Harmful, or Offensive Use of Content
The customer may not use, encourage, promote, facilitate or instruct others to use the Services or Biznet Gio Site for any illegal, harmful, or offensive use, or to transmit, store, display, distribute or otherwise make available content that is illegal, harmful, or offensive. Prohibited activities or content include:
Illegal Activities.
Any illegal activities, including advertising, transmitting, or otherwise making available gambling sites or services or disseminating, promoting, or facilitating child pornography;
Harmful or Fraudulent Activities.
Activities that may be harmful to others, our operations, or reputation, including offering or disseminating fraudulent goods, services, schemes, or promotions, or engaging in other deceptive practices;
Infringing Content.
Content that infringes or misappropriates the intellectual property or proprietary rights of others.
Offensive Content.
Content that is defamatory, obscene, abusive, invasive of privacy, or otherwise objectionable, including content that constitutes child pornography, relates to bestiality, or depicts nonconsensual sex acts;
Harmful Content.
Content or other computer technology may damage, interfere with, surreptitiously intercept, or expropriate any system, program, or data, including viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, or cancelbots.
No Security Violations
The customer may not use the Services to violate the security or integrity of any network, computer or communications system, software application, or network or computing device (each, a "System"). Prohibited activities include:
Unauthorized Access.
Unauthorized access to or use of any System, including attempting to probe, scan, or test a System's vulnerability or breach any security or authentication measures used by a System.
Monitoring data or traffic on a system without permission.
Falsification of Origin.
Forging TCP-IP packet headers, email headers, or any part of a message describing its origin or route. This prohibition does not include the use of aliases or anonymous remailers.
No Network Abuse
The customer may not make network connections to any users, hosts, or networks unless the customer has permission to communicate with them. Prohibited activities include:
Monitoring or Crawling.
Monitoring or crawling of a System that impairs or disrupts the System being monitored or crawled.
Denial of Service (DoS).
Inundating a target with communications requests so the target either cannot respond to legitimate traffic or responds so slowly that it becomes ineffective.
Intentional Interference.
Interfering with the proper functioning of any System, including any deliberate attempt to overload a system by mail bombing, news bombing, broadcast attacks, or flooding techniques.
Operation of Certain Network Services.
Operating network services like open proxies, bypassing network traffic scheme, VPN outside of Biznet Gio's networks, open mail relays, or open recursive domain name servers.
Avoiding System Restrictions.
Using manual or electronic means to avoid any use limitations placed on a System, such as access and storage restrictions.
No Email or Other Message Abuse
The customer will not distribute, publish, send, or facilitate the sending of unsolicited mass emails or other messages, promotions, advertising, or solicitations (like "spam"), including commercial advertising and informational announcements. The customer will not alter or obscure mail headers or assume a sender's identity without the sender's explicit permission. The customer will not collect replies to messages sent from another internet or cloud service provider if those messages violate this Policy or the acceptable use policy of that provider.
Our Monitoring and Enforcement
The customer will provide information or other materials related to Customer Content as reasonably requested by Biznet Gio to verify the customer complies with this T&C. Therefore, Biznet Gio may monitor the external interfaces (e.g., ports) of Customer Content. The customer will not block or interfere with our monitoring, but the customer may use encryption technology or firewalls to help keep Customer Content confidential. The customer will reasonably cooperate with Biznet Gio to identify the source of any problem with the Services that Biznet Gio reasonably believes may be attributable to Customer Content or any end user materials controlled by the customer. We may:
- Investigate violations of this Policy or misuse of the Services or Biznet Gio Site; or
- Remove, disable access to, or modify any content or resource that violates this Policy or any other agreement we have with customers to use the Services or the Biznet Gio Site.
- Report any activity that we suspect violates any law or regulation to appropriate law enforcement officials, regulators, or other appropriate third parties. Our reporting may include disclosing relevant customer information. We also may cooperate with appropriate law enforcement agencies, regulators, or other appropriate third parties to help investigate and prosecute illegal conduct by providing network and systems information related to alleged violations of this Policy.
Reporting of Violations of this Policy
The customer ensures that all information that the customer provides to Biznet Gio is accurate, complete, and not misleading.
If the customer becomes aware of any violation of this Policy, the customer will immediately notify us and provide us with assistance, as requested, to stop or remedy the breach. To report any violation of this Policy, please email support@biznetgio.com.