Globally distributed Anycast DNS servers reduce latency and accelerate domain access.

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    Quick Domain Resolve

    Faster domain access with servers across 12 global data centers. Anycast technology accelerate domain processing.

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    Smart DNS Routing

    DNS queries and responses will take the fastest route to get answers from the closest DNS server, without relying on a single resolver.

  • server icon

    Easy Configuration

    Simplified DNS management, input the domain name and start updating records. Primary or Secondary DNS options are automatically available.

The Easiest Way to Find a Domain

  • NEO DNS Free

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    ZoneRecordsAvailable Records
    ZoneRecordsAvailable Records
    110A, CNAME, MX, TXT
  • NEO DNS Pro

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    ZoneRecordsAvailable Records
    ZoneRecordsAvailable Records
    1UnlimitedA, CNAME, MX, TXT
    Rp25.000/ month
testimony asset
"SRIN software running 50% faster when powered by Biznet Gio infrastructure compared to previous providers."Risman Adnan (Chief Technology Officer Samsung Research Indonesia)
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"Biznet Gio has provided reliable business continuity planning (BCP) and disaster recovery (DRC) solutions for IDNIC's infrastructure."Sarwani Dwinanto (Public Relations Unit Manager & IDNIC Secretary)
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"Biznet Gio's responsive technical support is a boon to those of us who lack IT infrastructure management expertise."DailySocial IT Team
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"Biznet Gio Cloud provides affordable, high-quality cloud services with responsive customer support."Sampoerna Schools System IT Team